If you have any questions regarding our Tentsile tree tent, don’t hesitate to contact us!

You can easily contact Kommee Kurki, though we seem to live hidden in this forest!

You can use the contact form below

  • or call to +358 50 378 9208 (Anja Hanhijärvi)
  • or email to info@kommeekurki.fi

The address of Tree Tent Kommee Kurki:
Houhajärventie 194
38250 Sastamala

Hashtags for the social media:
#kommeekurki #treetentfinland #tentsile

Contact us via the form:

    Tree Tent Kommee Kurki and B&B Kommee Kurki are situated in the beautiful Finnish countryside in the Tampere Region.

    Tree Tent Kommee Kurki and B&B Kommee Kurki are situated in the beautiful Finnish countryside in the Tampere Region, 60 km from Tampere.